sovereign 1.2.1 (2022-01-04)
- Bug fixes
- removed as.vector() call in solve_b.R
- change to anyNA in regimes()
sovereign 1.2.0 (2021-07-23)
Major updates
- VARs may now be estimated as Proxy-SVARs
- IRF functions now support
- Choice of bootstrapping techniques
- standard residual resampling
- Wild bootstrapping
- Choice of structural shocks
- no structural restrictions,
- short-term restrictions (via Cholesky decomposition),
- instrumental variable estimation
- combination of instrument variable and short-term restrictions
- Parallel processing for greater computational efficiency in computing bootstrapped confidence intervals
Minor updates
- IRF plots use darker blue for CI
- Analysis function wrappers implemented for IRFs, FEVDs, and HDs
- Updated model documentation with academic references and corrected minor errors
Bug fixes
- plot_irf() plots all targets by default
- test-threvhold_var.R changed to test-regime_var.R
- Fixed IRF results format listed in documentation
sovereign 1.1.0 (2021-06-01)
Major updates
- Include COVID shock correction a la Lenza and Primiceri (2020)
- Include historical decomposition of VAR shocks
Minor updates
- Create object classes for LP and VAR output
- n.lag no longer requires a 'date' column
- Specify structural assumptions in IRFs
- Clarify model specification of RVAR
Bug fixes
- Convert errorCondition() to stop()
sovereign 1.0.0 (2021-04-02)